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Mr. Masatomo Ono - Extended Advisor

Professional Physical Trainer - Works with a variety of professional athletes in Japan

Teaches biology and the relationship of muscle and bone structure (Sports Science) monthly

CEO - Body Conditioning Reflexer (Physical Therapy for Professional Athletes) for over 20 years

Nippon Sports Science University

Link to his website :

Ono's Staff preparing a donation to our academy of 45 Japanese Soccer Balls

Congratulations on the founding of the CHELSTON SPORTS ACADEMY.

Since I run a training gym in Japan, I am constantly furthering my knowledge on athlete training and how best to use the human body.

We fully support the academy's purpose of contributing to children's lives, health, and education through sports and art.

By investigating the mechanism of high performance by the top athletes and applying it to people's daily movements and work, we can reduce fatigue, reduce excessive physical burden, and lead a healthier life.  

Why can top athletes perform so well? Power? Speed? Quickness? Balance? Endurance? All of these are important, but not the correct answer.

In fact, there is a secret in how to use the body at the top level.

If the top athletes knew how to properly use their bodies from the beginning, as children they would've engaged in sports with the shortest time required, resulting in less mental and physical, and ultimately the shortest goal. Furthering one's understanding of movement also helps prevent excessive strain on joints and muscles. As a result, these children would minimize their chance of injury. If one can feel that their efforts will be fruitful, with the knowledge that they are minimizing the chance of injury, they will be further motivated and can comfortably enjoy the competition.

Naturally, this will result in a large improvement of skill. 

With this knowledge being so widespread, the performance of each person has improved and the player base has grown. With this, the results of the entire team will also improve. Such good things always happen in a chain. The key to amateur teams unlocking this growth is to further their understanding of the body. 

So what is the secret that top athletes use? Instead of resisting the load on your body, the so-called "gravity," we must use our body to exert our power with "gravity." Strength is not the hardness of steel, but the softness of cotton. Rather than trying to repel the load, force is created by softly accepting the load.

Top athletes are naturally able to use their bodies in this way. Many people will be able to learn how to use the body using gravity. So what exactly is the use of the body using gravity? I would like to further this discussion in the future. 

We pray for the future development of the academy.

Body Conditioning Reflexer

Masatomo Ono 

About the 1st Physical fitness

What is the secret of high performance of top athletes?

Physical fitness?

So what is physical fitness? This is the theme of this paper.

Physical fitness is generally categorized as 

・ Strength (force to lift heavy objects)

・ Instantaneous power

・ Endurance (power to keep moving)

・ Flexibility

・ Skill (dexterous movement)

・ Balance (Standing on one leg, handstand, walking a tightrope)

These factors are listed. Each one is important.

In particular, Strength, Instantaneous power, and Endurance are said to be very important for improving performance.

* Performance diagram of three elements and their combination

It was

Ability to continue to exert great power quickly  Strength  Endurance Instantaneous power


  Endurance              Instantaneous power 


             Ability to continue moving quickly

Ability to continue to exert great power Strength Ability to exert great power quickly

Endurance Instantaneous power

Ability to continue moving quickly

It is thought like this. In other words, each element is  just as important as the other.

Last time, the secret of the high performance of top athletes is not brute strength such as Strength and Power, but the strength to accept softly, the load on your body, and to not resist "gravity", by utilizing  it. I talked about how to use the body to make it.

There are some of the highest priorities to enable that body usage.

It is "Flexibility" ... the softness of the body.

Next comes "posture" ... standing posture, sitting posture

“Movement” ・ ・ ・ ・ How to run, how to jump, how to kick

To exert great force, move quickly, or send the ball far away

The joints of the body are large and need to move well.

If your joints are not moving properly, you will not be able to move your body as you wish.

To improve joint movement, "Flexibility" muscle softness is required.

Stretching is effective for softening the muscles.

Therefore, it is very important to stretch carefully before and after practice.

When your joints move better, you can utilize correct posture and correct movement. Correct posture when you play soccer with Correct movement, you will naturally acquire the abilities required for soccer and your performance will improve.

* Figure of priority of physical fitness elements



Correct posture

Correct movement


         Strength  Instantaneous power  Endurance   Skill  Balance

Strength Instantaneous power Endurance Skill Balance

This is a priority when considering physical fitness.

It has the flexibility to move joints well, and it can move and posture using the gravity that human beings originally have, and as a result, "Strength" "Instantaneous power" "Endurance" "Skill" "Balance" is behind. It develops so that it follows from.

For everyone in Zambia, the posture is wonderfully good. The most important factors to become a top athlete have been cleared. This is a huge advantage.

So what is Correct posture and Correct movement?

I will continue in my next letter.

 Body conditioning Reflexer 

   Masatomo Ono

CH 3: Breathing and blood

Breathing and heart function

Humans live by breathing and the work of the heart. If either one stops working, it will die.

Vigorous physical activity in soccer and other sports causes more breathing and heart movement, which

can be more intense.

What is happening in the human body at this time?

Breathing is the movement of air into and out of the lungs. CO2

More specifically, it takes oxygen (O2) in the air into the body.

It is good to put it in and spit out carbon dioxide (CO2).

increase. O2

So who are O2 and CO2?

O2 is necessary for all cells that make up the human body


Of course, it is also necessary to move the muscles.

To drive a car, burn gasoline and start the engine

I will move it. The same is true for humans, and gasoline lungs are used to move muscles.

It burns and is driven by that energy. It was

However, in the case of humans, the energy is glycogen, not gasoline. It is O2 that acts as a spark to

ignite this glycogen. Glycogen is a fuel in the muscle and is supplemented by diet. For example, eating

corn, rice, wheat, potatoes, sugar, etc. will replenish it.

In order for humans to exercise, they must move their muscles.

To move the muscles

O2 + glycogen → energy ⇒ muscles move

CO2 water heat

It looks like this. When glycogen is burned by O2, energy is generated and at the same time,

unnecessary things are created. That is CO2 and water. It's something you don't need, so you need to

get it out of your body. CO2 is exhaled by breathing, and water becomes sweat and is discharged from

the body.

The more muscles are moved, the more O2 is needed and the more CO2 is produced. The reason why

you breathe hard when you exercise hard is to replenish a lot of O2 and get more and more CO2 out of

your body.

So how is O2, which is needed for muscles and cells throughout the body, carried to every corner of the


Blood plays that role.

The red blood cells in the blood are the carriers of O2 and CO2.

Red blood cells are blood vessels stretched all over the body

Pass O2 to the cells through the inside to every corner of the body.

I will pick up CO2.

It is the heart that sends out red blood cells


Like a pump, with the beating of the heart

Blood is pumped through blood vessels to internal organs, muscles, brain,

Humans live by carrying O2 to the whole body, etc.

You can do it.

Heart (cardiac) blood vessels

red blood cells

Then, how do you get O2 inhaled from your mouth or nose?

Will it be passed to red blood cells?

The place to pass it will be lung. The inside of the lung is terrible

Small blood vessels run like a mesh. Its fineness

Is thin enough for one red blood cell to pass through

Will be.

Here, red blood cells were sucked into the lung O2

It receives O2 and puts CO2 in the lungs.

This is called "lung gas exchange". CO2

lung gas exchange

How about? For humans to exercise, for living

The necessary O2 is taken in from the outside by the action of lung, and is received by red blood cells.

They are

It goes to the heart and is carried to the whole body through the blood vessels by the beat of the heart.

It delivers O2 to cells in every corner of the body and receives CO2 that is no longer needed. Return to

the lungs, place CO2, and take O2 again to go around the whole body.

This work allows us to live.

Lung alone, red blood cells only, heart alone, blood vessels alone cannot carry O2, and humans will die.

Also, even if any one is missing, O2 cannot be carried.

It's similar to teamwork in team sports, including soccer. Teams work when each person does their job

well and works with their teammates.

Playing alone will not succeed. Also, if one person is missing, the team will not work well and you will

not be able to win the game.

A good team is a well-balanced team where each and every one of us, like the human body, maximizes

our strengths and works together with our teammates to unite toward one goal.

Body conditioning Reflexer

Masatomo Ono